
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Estes Black Brant III, Part 13, Mask and Paint

EDIT: Boy did I screw this one up!
I read the Peter Alway ROTW drawings wrong.
I painted two white and one red fin.
The Black Brant III has a long white stripe between two of the three fin positions.
There is a reason Estes only included one white stripe decal. You can't apply the two opposite decals with the launch lug in the way!
I should have double checked the Estes and Canaroc instructions before masking this one.
I'll have to go back and paint another fin red.
I'll end up doing just one white stripe and decals down one side

The nose cone and tail nozzle were pulled out and will be painted separately.
According to Always Rockets Of the World, it's a pretty simple pattern. Two red fins and one white one. (Wrong - See EDIT above)
The whole body tube is painted gloss red.

The root edges were masked off with Scotch tape, the rest of the fin covered in cheap masking tape.
Here's the reveal.
All was good, a little back scraping was needed right at the tip of the leading edge where it meets the body tube.

The nose cone color is silver, I'll use aluminum.
The tail cone is painted black. I'll use gloss black then hit that with a dull coat.

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