
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Estes Constellation, Part 2, Engine Mount

Instead of a tape wrap, an engine strap is cut from printed card stock.
This wrap almost goes all the way around. I marked the center and set that right over the engine hook.
TIP: I always turn the printed side in, especially on shrouds. Sometimes paint won't cover the wording printed on the outside.

 On this model, the rear centering ring is even with then of the BT-50 tube.
Sand one side flat (the lower exposed side) so the finished appearance will be smooth and square.
Centering rings are typically cut at a slight angle. It'll take very little sanding to square up the low side.

A notch is cut out of the rear ring to allow movement of the engine hook.

TIP: The inset picture shows the (exaggerated) angle of the cut. It isn't really cut this much to the left.
I'm trying to make notch a square as opposed to an angled pie shaped notch.
The angle cut is reversed on the right side.

For better support, set the ring over an old engine casing when cutting.
Here's how the lower ring should end up after cutting at a slight angle.
It's square and perfectly fits the up and down movement of the engine hook.
The lower (exposed) side of the low centering ring is facing in the picture. You can see how it is flatter and square after sanding.



  1. Chris, Why does the engine strap only go part of the way around the tube?

    1. Hi Bill,
      That's just the length of the printed strap from the Jim Z's instruction website. If the cardstock strap is "centered" over the engine hook it'll hold.
