
Friday, December 13, 2024

Estes Constellation, Part 7, Shaping The Fins

The reissue Estes kit has you round just the leading edge of the fins. 
I'm showing an earlier Semroc build that follows the original Estes instructions where the fins are airfoiled. This is difficult because of the sharp tip at the rear of the root edge. 
This post shows one way to airfoil the fin and still keep that extended tip strong.

The old Estes instructions tell you to airfoil the fins. That rounded tip on the rear root edge could be a problem. Sand it down to a sharp taper and you run the risk of it easily breaking off.
The fin drawing in the instructions show a shading that suggests the shape penciled in at the right. This leaves the tip at the 3/32" thickness.

The end of the outside edge pod will be replaced so it was cut off now.

It's hard to see the trailing edge taper on the light balsa wood.
The leading and trailing edges were marked with an old, half dried out Sharpie pen.
You don't want a heavy black ink to soak into the balsa! In the end the black ink will be sanded off. Any remaining ink might show through the white paint.
When marking an edge like this, draw the line quickly allowing very little ink to color the balsa.


  1. Hi Chris,
    Why not use the side of a sharpened tip of a pencil to darken the edge instead of a Sharpie?

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      The Sharpie is a much higher contrast, a full black. The pencil marking would be a mid gray.
      Normally I "seal" the edge to be blackened with a wipe of medium CA glue. Then blacken the edge. The CA glue doesn't allow the black ink to soak into the soft balsa.
