
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Estes Black Star Voyager Build, Part 25, Painting The Vanes

It is difficult to get smooth fillets inside the tight corners of the vanes. I did sand and reduce the glue boogers and some still were visible when some gloss black was shot. 
I thought about painting the vane areas with flat black, flat colors are a great way to camouflage imperfect areas. Gloss finishes show everything! 
Another idea - why not paint the vane areas with a metallic paint? The model is an overall black, some metallic paint could cover things up and give it contrast.
On the left is the before - 
There is some white showing through where I sanded some glue and rough areas. The tubes are masked off.

On the right - 
The same area after spraying with the metallic black. A picture does not show the metallic effect. It shows up best in sunlight.

The paint I used for the vanes,
Rustoleum Black Night Metallic, #7250.

I don't normally like Rusto spray paints, but their metallics are very good.
Be careful though, these are thinner and could run. Spray in light coats. 

Here's the upper basswood vanes, sprayed with a non metallic Ace Gloss Black.
It look like there is white streaks, but that is light reflections.

I've still got some rough areas that need sanding before final paint coats.


  1. Using the Black Night Metallic (great color) on just the vane areas is a very interesting idea. I'll have to keep that in mind for when I build mine. Will be curious to see how noticeable it is on the finished rocket.

    1. Hi Neil,
      It's going to be tricky masking off the metallic black around the raised vanes but it can be done. The difference between the two blacks will be subtle but hopefully will add to the look.
