
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Estes Black Star Voyager Build, Part 8, The Lower Fins, Steps A

The lower half of the fin assemblies are more complex than the upper half. 
To get a feeling for the assembly, you might find it easier to build up the upper fins first. 
In the order on the instructions, I'll build the lower half first.

TIP: I recommend using a sanding block like the Estes Ultimate Sanding block or one of the older Great Planes Easy Sander.
You might find an emery board handy for the tighter areas.

This build requires flat, accurate sanding to fit the fin pieces.

From the bottom half of Page 4:
Here's a dry fit of the long side pieces (Parts V)
and the center support, (Part X)

The fit of the pieces show gaps.

Note: Before fitting, I did brush on a coat of CWF and followed with sanding. Some interior surfaces can be seen on the finished model. I wanted to fill that grain.

Looking at the bottom - The center X piece is at the top.

Note the gap on the upper right side. This gives you an idea of the angle to be sanded in the side edge.

TIP: To better see what is being sanded off,
Rub the edge sides with a soft pencil for a higher contrast. It's easier to see the dark gray pencil over the beige balsa color.

The left side picture shows the edge sanded about half way. If you can still see the pencil marks, more angle sanding is needed.

On the right, the angle is finished with the pencil mark gone.

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