
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MX-774 Kitbash Part 7 Fin Trailing Edges

The MX-774 has four flat bottomed fins that stand flat and square.
Sometimes you won't know if the trailing fin sides are square until the model is finished. You stand your finished rocket on a table and the bottom edges aren't flat!

Here's one way to check them before gluing to the body.
Stand your straight edge up on a flat surface. You could use anything long enough that has a true square bottom. Set the fin's root edge against the vertcal side, keeping the bottom flat against the surface. Your fin is now standing straight. (I used a wooden ruler just for the example. It didn't reflect light in the picture.)
Check out the light coming through the right side of the trailing edge!

I'll have to sand the left side of the trailing edge to square it up.
Better to fix it now than see the rocket wobble when standing up after it's finished.

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