
Friday, August 13, 2010

End of SEMROC? What's this?

I just went to the Semroc site to check on some nose cone profiles for an upcoming project.
From their home page I went to: "The Classics, 1954-1995"

Any model that was previously listed under "Company" as Estes is now listed as "Classics".
All other manufacturers, Centuri, AMROCS, FSI etc., are still listed by name.

I haven't been to that page in a few weeks.
Was this done before Carl got the letter from the law firm?

I'm not trying to stir the pot, I just found it interesting.


  1. My guess would be after, but only a guess. I really hope the parts and scale kits are not much of an issue and the others can be worked out. If not, I think Carl could do well with repros of Centuri and all the other OOP companies. And maybe some more new designs of his own.

  2. Oops, I guess Centuri is in the same category.
