
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Launch! - August 3, 2010

I "lone wolf" launched at the local school yard this morning.
It's a small field, so small rockets flew.

In the picture is the Hot Rod Rockets Bell Bottom, a cone stabilized model built around a BT-5. Straight flight with a A3-4t.
Also up were the MMX Sky Writer, Quest FLIC conversion with an A10-3t, a Odd'l Rockets MMX Break-Away downscale and the latest downscale of the Galaxy Guppy.

All were stable except for the Galaxy Guppy. The Guppy looks more like a standard 4FNC rocket than the other Gooneys. I tried to fly it without additional nose weight.
I should have added nose weight. See the next post . . .

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