
Monday, August 2, 2010

MX-774 Kitbash Part 13 Fin Position Marking

I cut the fin postitioning guide from the Estes Bull Pup kit instructions.

Look how poorly it fit. There is almost a 1/16" gap where the guide ends should match up.

I decided to make my own guide.

I wrapped a piece of 20 lb. copy paper around the tube and taped it closed where it overlapped.
The overlap point was marked with a pencil. That will be the first fin line.

I slipped the new guide off and carefully folded it in two.
At the creases I marked the folds with a pencil.

Using those two marks it was folded again into fourths.
Those new creases were marked with a pencil line.

The guide was slipped over the body tube and marked for the fins.

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