
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Papering Fins - Old MRN

I'll be using paper on the fins of the Big Girtha model.
I remember seeing the tip years ago. Here's one of the first references I found about papering fins.
This goes back to 1969, from Volume 9, No. 1 of the Estes Model Rocket News.

The 1969 Estes catalog "Yellow Pages" also talked about reinforcing balsa with paper. Page 56 showed PRM-1 paper (self-adhesive paper reinforcing material) being used on balsa. Today, most use CA to close up the edges, the Estes catalog had you use white glue.
PRM-1 was the Estes equivalent to the Avery Self-Adhesive paper many builders have been writing about on the forums.

Click on the picture for an enlargement and check out the authors name from the tip on "Snap Swivel Threading".

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