
Friday, August 6, 2010

Sky Hook Entry Story for TRF

Carl from Semroc said there was one more Bill Simon autographed Sky Hook kit left from NARAM.
He asked for Sky Hook stories. Here's mine:

Back in the spring of '72,
Estes mailed Model Rocket News
They announced there'd be a Craftsman Contest,
With merchandise prizes, all won by the best.

I built the Sky Hook as best I could,
My entry featured stained balsa wood.
With walnut stain brushed on nose cone and fins,
I had hope to place or maybe to win.

I boxed it, mailed it, not again to see,
All entries now property of E. Industries.
For results I'd waited, then waited some more,
'Till a letter from Penrose arrived at the door.

It announced second place, I was surprised,
To win 25 dollars in rocket supplies.
Never knowing where that Sky Hook would go,
I traveled to NARAM in Orlando.

Dane Bowles was there as an Estes rep.
I asked him where the old entries were kept.
I asked of my Sky Hook: "Who could possess?"
He said: "It's in Penrose, on Vern Estes Desk!"

Sorry about the bad poetry, but it's a true story.
I don't really know if my Sky Hook found a home on Mr. Estes desk.

Maybe Dane Bowles was trying to give a young enthusiast a great answer.

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