
Friday, August 27, 2010

Upcoming Projects

I got 4 new rocket kits today!
Along with a new rocket design for the Odd'l Rockets line, I'll be busy for the next few weeks.

One of the kits is the new Dr. Zooch BT-50 based Mercury Redstone Freedom 7.
The blog build will highlight the capsule and tower construction.

I also have an old MPC Martian Patrol kit which would be a kick to build and fly.

I'll continue to build and fly what is now available and occasionally reach back in the old kits box.


  1. I look forward to hearing about the Martian Patrol kit...and the new Odd'l offering. Great job on the Girtha, BTW.

  2. Thanks Dick!
    The new Odd'l kit is still being developed, the art and plans are done. It's gotta' be the funniest thing I've ever flown!

    The Martian Patrol is almost at the top of the build pile. I had one in the 1970s - the saucers do float down - sort of.
