
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Freedom 7 Build Post 23 Fins

The Mercury Redstone fin mask can be confusing.

I set the fins against the printed body wrap for masking, being sure the rear under hang was against the lip of the body tube. Scotch tape was used for the black / white separations. The clear tape was set in place while the fin was on the body tube to make sure the fin color separations would match the body tube print. Lay Scotch tape down at the color separation line. All other areas (not painted black) are covered with masking tape and pieces of a plastic grocery bag.

Before laying down masking tape, sometimes I'll reduce it's tackiness by sticking the tape on my pant leg. When the tape is removed, some lint and small threads from the denim is left on the adhesive side so it's not as sticky.

This is not done on the clear tape I use for color separations. You want that tape to seal the line between the colors.

In preparation for the black spray, the fins were set flat on their sides. One side of the fin will be sprayed first. The tape is removed, the fin turned over and then re-masked for the black pattern other side.

This picture shows the fins ready for the first black spraying. The black dots on the Scotch tape are simply black spray reference marks.

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