
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Freedom 7 Build Post 25 Fins

The instructions don't mention doing this but I wanted a stonger glue joint than just a surface mount for the fins.
Certainly nothing new, these are Glue Rivots.

Holes are punched along the fin placement line. When the glued root edge is set onto the body tube, glue will sink into the holes making glue rivots.

Be sure not to punch too deep, just through the outside tube. Keep the needle holes right on the fin alignment lines.

With all the fins in place, the Freedom 7 is nearly complete.


  1. I guess I'm going to have to accept that I'll never be able to build rockets as good as you. I reckon this is God's gift that he blessed you with

    1. Thanks Daniel,
      I certainly wasn't "blessed" with any model building ability. It's just patience and experience gleaned from way too many builds.
