
Monday, September 20, 2010

LAUNCH! Small Stuff - September 20, 2010

I walked to the schoolyard to get a few small launches out of my system.
Four were launched, a few parents walking their kids to school got some early morning entertainment.

The picture to the left is like a cheap advertisement for the Odd'l Rockets line.
That's the BIRDIE with an A10-3t in her tail. I'm using the BLAST! ceramic deflector and RAISE Spring to keep it up an inch or two.

The MMX SKYWRITER downscale was up next. A small 1/2" x 8" streamer has been added with no deployment problems.

The card stock downscale STAR SNOOP GooneyBird got respectable altitude for an MMX engine.

Last up was the downscale CHEROKEE T with a 35 year old MPC 1/2A3-3m engine. Great altitude with a 100 yard walk to pick it up.

TIP: I've been re-using Quest MMX Igniters for some time now.
Maybe my batteries are getting old, but I've yet to burn through one.

This is an MMX Igniter after today's launch, still held by the clips. That's the third time I've used this igniter. I'll keep using it until it breaks or burns through.

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