
Thursday, September 16, 2010

MPC Martian Patrol Part 14 Decals

Here's the assembled model just prior to the decals.

About those decals - I didn't get the same ones illustrated on the box, not a big deal.

MPC actually had a good idea back then. They supplied generic decals without any direction as to where they should be placed except for the box illustration. The builder could be a little creative.

You would think the roll patterns would fit the body tubes in the same kit they came with. The roll decals didn't match up when wrapped around the body. I thought it was strange that a "Martian" rocket would have USA, NASA and USAF decals, oh well!

The lower wrap was close when rolled around the lower 30mm body tube.

The upper wrap was another story. The four inverted "Y" shaped pieces were the same width as the 30mm roll pattern. I'd have to cut and adjust three of the "Y"s to make an even fit around the 25mm tube.

A simple "3 fin" marking guide was made out of paper and taped to the upper tube. Above the pencil marks, the three separate "Y" pieces were slid in place with the edge of the paper wrap used as a height guide.
The white area on the decal wasn't opaque, some of the red showed through giving it a pink tint.

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