
Monday, December 20, 2010

LAUNCH! Schoolyard December 20, 2010

Five flew before 8:00 a.m. in cold weather with light breeze.
After my last experience with drift, the launcher was set up farther to the North of the soccer field.

The carded MISSLE TOE flew first followed by the Bob Harrington RED MAX downscale both with MicroMaxx engines. No wadding and nose-blow recovery on both.

The FlisKits INTERLOPER first flight was very high with MicroMaxx Power. Full streamer deploy and a little drift.
So far, my experiences with all the FlisKit micro models has been positive, they are perfect small field fliers.

The UP! CUP launch was LOUD!

I'm convinced the cup amplifies the noise of the thrust. The old B6-2 did it's job and ejected on a streamer.

The picture shows the landing. It floated down, hit the ground and did a small bounce. The 180 degree flip left it like this!

Last up was the new CYCLONE.

During boost, you could hear a distinct whistle from the ejection port hole.

It was a good thing I moved the launcher farther up the field.
At ejection, the upper half did it's fast spin and almost landed in the road. With a 1/2A3-2t engine it drifted about 200 feet away.

Both the UP! CUP and CYCLONE are being developed as Odd'l Rockets kits.

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