
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dr. Zooch Vanguard Eagle Build Part 9 Interstage Can

The inter stage can assembly is glued in place in Step 3.

The instructions have you cut four square panels from the bottom side of this assembly. I decided to use my hole punch again.

Here I'm marking the inter stage can using a standard fin marking guide.

This is where I made a small mistake. I marked and punched three holes like on the T-20 tube in the last step. The instructions do tell you to cut four 1/4" panels in the larger interstage can.

I don't think it'll make a big difference in the staging, I'm just warning the builder to be aware of the difference.

As before, my hole punch was used to make the vents.

I applied a coating of white glue to the inside of the vent holes for strength and protection from the engine staging.

This glue was smoothed out with a finger.

1 comment:

  1. The area of four 1/4" x 1/4" panels is equal to five 1/4" diameter holes. Punching six round holes 60° apart would be a little more area, but probably a safer fix to this problem.
