
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Semroc I.Q.S.Y. Tomahawk Build Part 9 Tube Joining

I found I still had to build up more to fill the seam joint.

A bead of super glue was made on the seam. After drying I sanded it down with 400 grit on a sanding block.

Sometimes I'll use the super glue to lock the filler down on the tube or in a tube seam. While Carpenter's Wood Filler is great stuff, it can flake off or be knocked out of a body tube seam when sanding.

I realized something interesting was going on.
The upper tube diameter was just a little smaller than the lower.

Notice in the picture how the sanded filler is really only on the upper tube. I would assume these two pieces of tube came from two different "batches."

I hope it won't be noticeable on the finished model.

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