
Friday, March 18, 2011

Whistle Rocket Second Try!

On The Rocketry Forum, Mr. Ray G. made a whistling Baby Bertha rocket using the old style plastic fishing bobbers or snap on floats.

I picked up this package at a WalMart, 12 bobbers of various sizes for $1.79. The picture shows what's left after I cut up half of them.

The rocket shown here was called the "Whistler". Three years ago I designed this rocket to (hopefully) whistle. It didn't!

Look closely at the upper fin trailing edge and the lower fin leading edge. I was trying to direct the wind stream from the upper fin across the lower fin's angled leading edge.

I've heard split fin rockets (like the Thor) whistle during boost. I was trying to duplicate this on a smaller scale.

I'll use this same rocket to test the bobber whistles. In the picture they look a little like a Life Saver candy glued to the fin wall.

Fast Forward:
The Whistler (with the new fishing bobber whistles attached) was launched this last Saturday with a B6-4 at the NEFAR launch in Bunnell, FL.

I'm certainly not blaming Ray R. His design worked well, you can hear it whistle on the YouTube video, HERE
I'm missing something on my end. The search continues!

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