
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Custom Solar Explorer Build Part 14 BT-55 Section Gluing

With the BT-55 section in place, slide it to 3/8" from the end and mark with a pencil.
Slide the BT055 section away from the pencil line you just drew.
Run an even line of glue forward of the pencil line.

Slide the BT-55 section over the glue and down to the 3/8" pencil line.

TIP: Twist the BT-55 section as you slide over the glue and up to the pencil line.
The twisting will even out the exposed glue and make for a smoother fillet in the next step.

Smooth out the glue into a smooth fillet.

Apply a fillet to the front end of the BT-55 section and smooth it out.

After the glue fillet dried, there were some air bubbles.

I'll use another fillet of Titebond Molding and Trim Glue to fill it all in.

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