
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Custom Solar Explorer Build Part 23 Sticker Decals

Those wrap around bands were set down first for a reason.
You'll be setting the Solar Explorer name stickers centered between them.

Mark the centers of the name decals before taking them off the backing sheet.
A pencil won't transfer onto the slick decal surface, but mark a crease in the plastic.

Mark the center point between the two fins.
Turn the model over and mark the center between the two fins directly on the other side.

Not shown, but find the center point between the two wrap bands and lightly mark with a pencil.

Again, lay some water down on the tube before setting down the decals.
The water won't allow you to slide the decals around, but it will let you lift the decal if you don't get it right the first time.
The water also lets you press out any air bubbles under the surface.

Use the center marks on the decal and line them up with the pencil marks on the body tube.

Because they won't slide around -
Don't burnish down until you get it right. You'll be glad the center pencil marks are there. 

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