
Thursday, August 13, 2015

German Model Rocketry Book Pages

Manuel Mejia, Jr. sent me some pages from a German model rocketry book.

It's always interesting to see how rocketry is done in other countries.
Manuel wrote some notes on the copied pages.
On the right is a "Huge L (engine) rocket - held together with wood glue! Made from cardboard!"

On the left is an "E.T" styled Odd-Ball rocket. "This is an understatement!"
On the right, the "Omway" design. It resembles a sport scale sounding rocket.
Looks like German builders use a tri-fold mount for the shock cord attachment.

The book was written in 2001 by Oliver Missbach, available on Amazon: CLICK HERE
To see Oliver's rocketry webpage: CLICK HERE
Thanks Manuel!

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