
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Estes Wizard #1292 Build, Part 3, Tube Ends and Kevlar

The inside end of the tube wrap was starting to lift.
For a while I would use CA glue but I found that it didn't hold the edge down. I have better results using white glue.
The inset picture shows the inside edge being burnished down.

After the lift is glued down then do a coat of medium CA applied with a Q-tip.

Smooth out the treated end with some 400 grit.

The side of a square diamond file make a good notch for the Kevlar.

The kit says to use a tri-fold mount but I wouldn't use one on such a small tube like this BT-20. We used them for years but now I'm more concerned about blocking the eject of the chute or streamer.
This build will get Kevlar.
The get the correct length for the Kevlar tie, I set the engine block assembly along the outside of the body tube. Tie the loop before the end of the tube. The Kevlar can't go beyond the end of the body tube.

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