
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Quest Magnum Sport Loader #3012 Build, Part 8, Couplers

The coupler that fits into the nose cone base is very tight in the payload tube.
I sanded down and rounded the edge for an easier start in the payload tube.
After rounding off the edge with 220 grit some CA was applied and the edge smoothed over with 400 grit.

All the exposed tube ends got a swipe with medium CA applied with a cotton swab.
After the glue dried the CA glue was polished with 400 grit.

The primer / filler left a line of paint showing how deep it slid into the nose cone.

The inside edge of the nose cone was roughed up with 220 grit.
A line of medium CA was run around the inside edge of the nose cone.

The coupler was slid into the CA glue.
Before the glue set up, the coupler and nose cone were slid into the payload section tube and turned to assure a straight alignment.

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