
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'All

Happy Thanksgiving from
TUNA (the overbite dog) Sock Puppet!

This was actually a Christmas project for my Daughter, Whitney. Yes, I made two - socks come in pairs and I hate to waste anything.
RANT: I just had the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on. I'm not Diabetic, but after all the overly sweet patter, lip syncing and fake smiles I might need a shot of insulin.
The Dog Show is on now. A least dog the smiles are real.


  1. Thats great! It got me googling giraffe print socks (my girlfriend is obsessed with giraffes).

    I know this is a rocketry blog, but perhaps you'd consider a puppet building post?

    1. Hi Daniel,
      I don't know about a puppet building post. I thought I was pushing it when I showed some drywall work I did.
      One thing that did come out of the build tho -
      I found a great new glue. It's called Beacon Fabri-Tac. I was able to glue felt and cardstock to a sock! The pieces are glued on the sock fabric permanently!
      This glue is strong stuff and contains acetone.
      It might come in handy in rocket construction when some glues just won't hold.
      I tried an experiment and used the new glue as an igniter tip coating. Acetone is very flammable when wet. Not very flammable when dry tho. It took a while for the igniter tip to finally flame up.

    2. Daniel,
      If your girlfriend is obsessed with giraffes, check this out, it's in a giraffe print:

      My daughter likes giraffes, she's getting one of these for Christmas. It's a great small knife for her purse. Handy for cutting loose threads. The scissors and tweezers are better than most bigger ones.
