
Friday, January 1, 2016

Estes Klingon Battle Cruiser, #1274, Build Part 12, Warp Drive Assembly

The BT-2 tube was pressed into an oval shape to lower its height and allow the vacu-form half edges to meet.

There are still some ball point pen ink marks on the edges.
Before gluing the two sides together I used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge to remove them. Ink can sometimes bleed through a paint finish.

TIP: Use the backside of your hobby knife to scrape down and even up the vacu-form edges. The unsharpened back of the #11 blade works like a small cabinet scraper without dulling the cutting side.

There are some small gaps where the edges didn't quite meet. A little white Squadron Putty should close them up.
This picture was taken before the putty was sanded down.

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