
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Estes Hi-Flier XL, #3226 Build, Part 14, Fin Gluing and Paint Prep

Even after filling the nose cone seams with medium CA, there were still some high areas.
In the inset picture: With the nose in the tube, run your fingers over the shoulder lip and you can feel the high spots. The high areas were marked with a pencil and sanded down to be closer to the outside diameter of the tube.

The launch lug was glued directly above the engine hook.
The first fin was glued on directly opposite the engine hook.

TIP: With both the hook and lug in line the igniter wires can be bent and directed away from the launch rod and between two fins.

This time I didn't spray the body tube with primer/filler before gluing the fins on. Because this is a simple 3FNC model, it won't be too difficult to spray on the gray primer/filler then sand between the fin areas.

On a more complex model, I would usually spray and sand the body tube separately before gluing on fins and detail pieces.

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