
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Estes Red Max Finished

If anybody was bored by this 3FNC build - too bad! Once in a while I like building something simple.

Simple with lots of goofy decals, and a classic to boot!
I understand some Red Max kits don't have the X882 white decal for the nose cone. The Mini Max (BT-50 downscale kit) doesn't include them.

I already have a Red Max in my active flying fleet so this new one will be sold on Ebay.

The back end is clean, no paint inside the engine mount area. On the last post I touched up the rear fin edges with red paint. The rear edge of the body tube also got some red rolled on with a Q-tip.
The replaceable Kevlar mount works best on BT-50 and larger models.


  1. Great build Chris. I only started following your blog about a year ago, so I was wondering about the details of the replaceable Kevlar. Seems like it's tied to the back of the motor mount, goes through a plastic tube glued to the length of the mount and into the main body? This is the first I've heard of it but looks like something I'd like to incorporate into all my builds. Thanks, Gary S. ( BAR Geezer).

    1. Hi Gary,
      I did an article on Replaceable Kevlar in the Apogee Peak Of Flight newsletter:
      And for smaller diameter body tubes:
      That should get you started!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Lonnie!
      It was nice to do a simpler build for a change.

  3. Crap. I didn't even think about the missing X882 decal. I noticed that one decal sheet (I don't remember which) didn't have individual decals - it was one big decal. The 'kill' table was 4 individual lines rather than a single table. I don't remember if it was like that before...

    1. Hi Phil,
      I understand the first run of reissued Red Max kits didn't have the white X882 decal. This one did.
      The Mini Max doesn't include the white X882 decal. I got mine from Excelsior or Sandman decals. He doesn't print a lot of decals now but may have that small white one in stock. Small, maybe $.50?
      The "kill table" decal has always been together in a block on all the kits I've seen. Who knows, a different run may have had that one broken up into lines.

  4. There is of course absolutely nothing that is boring about Der Red Max or your build of this timeless kit. Moreover, the result is truly immaculate (as always). Tom
