
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Headband Light Tool TIP

I know, not much of a Halloween costume . . . yep, that's me - 

Here's a tool I hadn't used before tonight.
I bought this headband light a year ago at Home Depot. It seemed like something I'd use if the power went out in a hurricane.
I'm cutting out some custom centering rings for a future blog build. (Any guesses what model it is?)

My work area seemed a little dark so I tried the headband light.
The picture on the right shows the difference. The extra directed light really helped!


  1. One of the best purchases you can make, especially if you need to do a repair at night. Keeps both hands free.

  2. Hmmmm... now you've piqued my curiosity. So what model is this offset centering ring for? Maybe a Shrox design with offset mitered tubes?

    1. Hi BAR,
      Not a Shrox design. He does use this type of offset centering rings though -

  3. I am going to guess a Estes Star Speeder ? If not you should !

    1. Hey Moontana -
      You got it right! It's the Star Speeder!
      The build will be on the blog in a few weeks.
