
Friday, January 26, 2018

All Those Tubes in that Little Brown Box!

I received my Semroc Saturn 1B kit last week.
I was surprised by how small the box was. Here it's next to the Estes Saturn V for comparison.

The Estes Saturn V box is large because of the large, low tube, around 25" long. That box is 28" tall. In the Saturn 1B box there are many "tubes inside tubes".

For some reason I thought about the old Stan Freberg jingle: "Eight Great Tomatoes in that Little Bitty Can, Contadina!"

Go to this audio clip and about :58 seconds in - CLICK HERE


  1. Chris:
    I am still recovering from sticker shock for the Discoed Semroc Saturn1B. I have made good progress on the Gooney Version. It cost much less than Semroc and if you stretch the tankage, you will get a reasonable facsimile of this much storied rocket.

    1. Hi Manuel,
      The pricing seems way out of line compared to what we paid for it back in 1969! I look forward to seeing your Goony Saturn 1B!
