
Monday, December 10, 2018

Centuri Kit Body Tube Lengths?

On YORF, Scott M asked:
Is there a kit by kit list of the body tubes used, and lengths, in a similar way to the published pdf for Estes kits?
I have had need lately to look up 3 different Centuri kits body tube info with very difficult to zero success . Currently I am trying to ascertain which tubes were used in the SS America 5310."

My response:
There is this:,
Scroll down for the Centuri information.
To get tube names for the lengths, go to the Semroc page:
and click on the PDF instruction manual.

Scroll down to the parts view.
If Body Tube "C" is designated as ST-16120, it is a 16 series tube, 12" long.
If the tube were designated as ST-1675, it's another ST-16 series tube, 7.5" long.

That should get you started - The older Semroc website is a great source for builds.

While Estes body tube names never made sense, except that a BT-50 is larger diameter than a BT-20. Three BT-20s do fit into a BT-60, but that's where it ends.

Centuri tubes were always easier to figure out. 
The first numbers after the "ST" name were the tube diameter.
A ST-10 was close to 1" diameter.
A ST-18 was close to 1.8" diameter.
As explained above, more numbers gave the tube length.
An ST-1865 would be a ST-18 tube that was 6 1/2" long. 

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