
Friday, December 14, 2018

Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 44, Capsule Details

You knew I'd get back to the capsule and tower sooner or later - 

The instructions have you use the tower assembly jig to mark the capsule top for the tower leg ends. If you use the assembly jig, punch out the center hole. The tabs should be trimmed and the open circle lightly sanded so you don't scar up the balsa.
The instructions say to use a scrap dowel to make indentations at the tower leg locations. I didn't have any scrap dowels left after the tower build!

I ended up pressing the tower ends into the balsa top. Make sure your tower is straight before making the impressions.
I went back and made the dents deeper and the edges cleaner.

I wanted to add some details to the capsule cover.
Page 282 of Alway's Rocket of the World has an overhead drawing.
There are seven lines running evenly out from the center.

The Alway drawing was blown up and the lines extended outside the BT-70 diameter.

Set the capsule assembly over the blown-up drawing and pencil mark the seven divisions.
This picture shows some of the "test" tape lines.
More in the next post - 

Build time this post: 0 hour, 30 minutes
Total build time so far: 40 hours, 30 minutes

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