
Monday, March 18, 2019

Custom SLV Build #10044, Part 2, Lower Body Support Assembly

The kit supplies six 20/60 centering rings. These are die-cut, thinner than what you might find in a current Estes kit. That's fine, the way they are used makes for a very strong internal structure.

TIP: With die-cut rings you will have one side that is slightly rounded. Plan ahead - use that rounded edge to your advantage. Push the tube in rounded edge first, not the squared edge on the other side. You'll usually find a smoother fit without rolling back the edge of the body tube.

The first ring is glued 3 1/4" from the rear of one of the BT-20 tubes.

A 2050 ring butts up against the larger ring and is glued in place.

A second 20/60 ring is pushed up against the 20/50 ring and is glued.

At the rear the same 20/60, 20/50, 20/60 "sandwich" is done again, this time with the forward ring 1/2" from the end of the tube.
The engine block is glued in.
The yellow spacer tube is marked at 1/2" and presses the block in up to that mark.

TIP: There is no engine hook on this model. While the instructions suggest friction fitting the engine for flight, I'd recommend a simple wrap of tape around the exposed tube and engine.

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