
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Adam Savage Glue Guide

Charley Nash posted this link on the Estes Mocel Rocket page on Faceboook:

Adam Savage (Mythbusters) gives a rundown on different glues and their use.
To read the article: CLICK HERE

In the comments, Robert K. Wingate added: 
"BTW, what he says about hot glue is good, but he doesn't mention why we in the rocketry hobby avoid it like the plague. A friendly word of advice to teachers instructing kids in a rocketry glue is a crafter's glue. You can't get away with using it to attach rocket fins to the body tube. The heat from the motor will cause a hot glue joint to soften and fail. Fins will fall off, every time."

1 comment:

  1. This was hilarious. I would love to see this fellow's treatment of a rocket build that requires building balsa parts and applying a finish!
