
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Mike Fields' Saturn V Engine Mount Fillets

An email from Mike Fields' about reaching the recessed fillets on the Saturn V centering rings - 

"I thought I would try something different with the engine mount in my Estes Saturn V.  I like to use epoxy on engine mounts, but I thought that it would be difficult getting that much epoxy that far inside the body tube.  

However, I saw the package of Loctite Instant Mix 5-minute epoxy in Lowe's and thought I'd give it a try.  I comes with two long mixing nozzles that reach into the Saturn V body tube with no problem.  It took about one minute per each end of the mount.  I think I probably used too much, but I'll know next time.  Thanks."

Great work! That is one strong, well placed glue fillet.

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