
Sunday, May 19, 2019

My Five Minute Spray Paint Rule - TIP

Always read the re-coat time recommendations on the spray paint can. The type is so small you'll have to use a magnifying glass!

These re-coat times will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
On Rustoleum 2X cans, the re-coat time is WITHIN ONE HOUR or AFTER 48 HOURS.
You can re-coat while the paint is still tacky, OR WAIT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS when the paint is dry enough to handle.
These drying times are based on 70 degrees and 50% humidity. (Yeah, good luck with that!)

When painting the final color coats on a rocket, I follow a simple Five Minute rule.

Say (for example) I'm painting a rocket body white with three red fins.
Spray the model an overall white -
First lighter white coat, let dry for Five Minutes,
Shoot heavier second white coat. Let dry a minimum of 48 hours before masking for the Red -

After 48 hours, (usually 48 hours - sometimes longer for plastic parts)
Give it the "sniff test", if you can smell the paint it's probably not ready for masking.
If it still feels "tacky" it's not ready for masking.

Mask for the red paint
First lighter red coat, let dry for Five Minutes,
Shoot heavier second red coat. Let dry for Five Minutes -
Then pull the masking tape lines while the paint is still tacky.
I get sharper masking lines (with no tearing) if I pull the tape long before the paint is dry - still tacky.

These re-coat times will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
PLAY IT SAFE - Don't mix different brands of paint. Finally - Wear a mask!

I use the Kitchen Timer feature on my microwave oven for the five minute intervals.

This method is what works for me, just food for thought - Your results may vary.

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