
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 9, Engine Mount & Balsa Pod Mounts

I was concerned about the old-school black coupler between the engine mount centering rings. There is a lot of surface area on the sides to get stuck while gluing.
On the left you can see the white showing through on the lower centering ring after sanding for a sliding fit.
On the right is the position of the engine mount with the rear ring being recessed by 1/16".

The trick is to use enough glue so it slides in, but not too much glue that you get a shrink line (Coke Bottle effect). You sometimes see these on the outside of the tube at the coupler top location.

The mount went in without incident - Whew!
The lower ring is recessed 1/16" allowing a rear fillet around the inside tube joint.

The tube was marked for three fins and the three pod mounts.

On the left, the tube has been scraped for gluing the root edges of the fins. One line is wider for gluing on the launch lug.

On the right the pod mounts are glued on. With six fins total I thought it might be easier to glue and fillet these first.

TIP: The longer the rocket, the harder it will be to get an even spray paint coverage. On tall rockets (when you can) spray the model in segments. Picture trying to paint an assembled Estes Mean Machine.
Mask off the exposed adapter shoulders to keep off the paint.

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