
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tools - The Essentials, A Decent Sanding Block, Part 1

Here's the sanding block I used for a few years before finding the Great Planes Easy Sander. This is the Warner #436, made for drywall work.
The upper block and wing nut clamped down and tightly held a quarter piece of sandpaper.

They don't make the wooden blocks anymore.
This is the new Warner block, #34436. It's plastic now, the wing nut is replaced with black plastic clamps.
I picked this one up at Lowe's for about $3.00.

The two black clamps are pinched towards the center and the top lifted about 1/4". The sandpaper sheet can be slid out and replaced.
That weird shaped red knob at the top fits the hand comfortably.
More in the next post - 


  1. First "sanding block" I had was literally a block of wood - a 6" piece of a 2x4, with the sandpaper thumbtacked into place.

  2. Purchased one of the British Rolson blocks that you showed in an earlier post. It was a lot more than $3, but it doesn't have the holes in the bottom. It is essentially like the wooden one you show but plastic. I like it quite a bit


    1. Hi JHall,
      The Rolson block looks to be a solid tool. The thumb screw retention keeps the sandpaper locked in.
