
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vern Estes Birthday Blast

Estes is having a big Birthday Blast celebrating Vern Estes' 90th Birthday!
Birthday Wishes and rocketry photos are being collected for the party. CLICK HERE

Here's the picture I sent -

The first time I saw Vern Estes in person was like seeing a celebrity! This was from my first NARAM in 1975 in Orlando, Florida.
Someone said: "Abe Lincoln just walked into the room!" Another said: "That's Vern Estes, he has a beard now."
I thought: "That doesn't look like the crew cut Vern Estes I know from the catalog pictures."

On the Birthday web page is a picture of Ellis Langford, Bill Stine and Vern Estes.

Mr. Estes is holding an Orange Bullet rocket, an upcoming Estes kit. I build a couple Orange Bullets for Estes. I wonder if this was one that I built?

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