
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Uneven Paint Gloss? TIP

From the Facebook Model Rocket Fanatics page:

"How do you fix paint that’s unevenly drying? It’s matte paint but some areas are glossier than others. Paint has been cured for like a day. Thinking a coat of gloss clear should fix it."
My response:
The more detailed the rocket (more than 3FNC) the harder it is to get an even matte or gloss finish. Gloss finishes are harder to get even.  
You can't get the proper spray coverage in the nooks. The glossier areas simply got more paint.

DON'T paint your models by sticking a launch rod in the dirt, sliding the model over it and spray vertically.

DO: Make a painting wand. 
Cut a 12 to 16" length of 1/2" dowel and glue an used 18mm engine over the end. Slide the casing into the engine mount. You can also slide a 24mm casing over the 18mm casing already on the painting wand.
Using a wand keeps your hand clear from over spray and fingers off the wet paint.

Spray the nose cone tip and trailing edges first. Those are the areas where you might miss when spraying from the side while the model is horizontal. 

SPRAY HORIZONTALLY turning the model (like a slow rotisserie) while spraying.

Spray a side, turn a bit and stop. Spray the next horizontal area, turn again.

Check the sunlight reflection on the rocket while spraying. Try to get the wet paint "gloss" even as you turn and spray the rocket.

The trick is to lay the paint on a bit "wet" but not enough to form runs.

Bear in mind - Spray paints bought from a Home Depot, Lowe's and Ace Hardware is meant for a one-time use by a homeowner wanting to paint the patio furniture. It can work rockets, but it is not the necessarily the best paint for hobbies.

1 comment:

  1. I find a coat or two of wax polish works well to even out a finish. I think it makes the model more slippery, too.
