
Friday, October 2, 2020

New Blog Edit Format

The older I get, the more I think: 
"Why couldn't they leave it the way it was. It worked pretty well before!"

I just spent an hour trying to get one blog post into draft form. 
Just when you think you've figured out a work-around, you end up deleting everything. 
If this keeps up, the blog will go away! I'm that pissed. It's not worth the frustration.

In a September 15 comment, Ed Mitton wrote:
"Also, photos are difficult to move around between lines of text. This is inconvenient if you put a photo in the wrong place and need to correct it. You pretty much have to delete it, place your cursor where the photo is supposed to go, and re-insert it.
There is definitely a learning curve.
I much prefer the old format that featured much more flexibility."

Before . . . 
You could drop in four or more pictures. Size the pictures, 
then set them left, right or center. Click your cursor to the side of each picture and type to your hearts content!

Not now!
I've sent my third letter of complaint. 
Blog readers can't add comments or do a search for previous builds.

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