
Friday, January 8, 2021

Estes Saturn 1B Paint Patterns

Here's some detailed four sided views of the Saturn 1B.
This is for the SA-205 version, with the alternating black and white tanks.
Still a good reference, courtesy of Apogee: CLICK HERE

Note that the Position 1 View is looking directly onto the Fin to be marked with the 
Number 1 decals on both sides.
Note to the right side of the Position 1 view (or going 1/4 turn to the right) is the #2 fin.
To the left side of the Position 1 view (or going 1/4 turn to the left) is the #4 fin.


  1. This helps tremendously, especially in regard to the CSM umbilical and panel placement. It took me awhile to study and learn the roll pattern for the tank fairing area when I built the 1/70 Semroc version. Semroc did a pretty good job with the instructions and paint illustrations. Anyway good stuff and much appreciated!
