
Friday, February 19, 2021

Estes Airborne Surveillance Missile Build, #7257, Part 8, Chute, Lug, Paint & "Mask"

The parachute seems small. I wasn't sure what the diameter was.
I went to the Estes website to learn the yellow print parachute is 9" diameter.

I did my usual tug of the shroud lines, they easily broke.
These were replaced with #10 cotton embroidery thread with an added snap swivel.

The launch lug is glued with the top even with the leading edge of the upper section mid fin. 
Be sure the lug clears the wide points of the scalloped "D" piece.

The model got an overall coat of gloss white spray paint. This is when you find the glue blobs and rough areas.

The green ring (Part E) had some spots that needed fine sanding before the next white undercoat.

The upper section was set over a taped dowel for painting. I might go with a gloss orange instead of the face card red color.
Why? Because I'm a rebel.

The lower half was readied for the gloss black paint. The two upper centering rings were masked off for a better glue bond.


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