
Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Y'all!


Reprinted from December, 2010

    Sung to the melody of Oh, Christmas Tree

Oh Rocket Tree, Oh, Rocket Tree,
How lovely is thy smoke trail,
Oh, Rocket-tree Oh, Rocket-tree,
Fly Vertically without fail.

With C6-3, we’ll rubberneck,
At peak of flight, a rear eject,

Oh, Rocket-tree Oh, Rocket-tree
It landed close - oh whoo-o-pee.

But I heard him exclaim, as he sailed out of sight - 
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good flight."

"Say, little Bobby, Did you get a Wedgie for Christmas?"

The Wedgie was an OOP Odd'l Rockets kit that had available skins to fit the triangle sides.

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