
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Estes Delta Wedge Clone #1931 Build, Part 2, Gluing Up The Big Wing

I used a glue stick to join the two wing halves.
The glue stick goes on purple and lets you see if you have a complete, even coat of glue. You have to move quickly though - when the color changes from purple to clear, the glue is drying.
TIP: Glue sticks aren't as watery as bottled glue and can give you more control in certain applications. 

I used my favorite burnishing tool, the back end barrel of a Sharpie pen.

Be ready, the two halves can get slippery and move as you burnish. Press and check, press and check the alignment.

After the glue stick dried, I tried some test fits over the BT-20H tube.
The slightly wider diameter of the 20H heavy wall tube required some trimming of the front end to fit.

The templates I drew up should fit a standard BT-20 tube pretty well.

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