
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Estes Blue Origin New Shepard Build, Part 9, Parachute & Engine Retainer

Here's the finished nose cone with the upper tunnel ends filled and painted.
I was happy with the results.

Note the position of the tunnel top position to the right.
Oops! The tunnel top should be closer to the left, at the edge of the black paint feather edge. 
This was my mistake. It didn't really effect the look or position of the feather decals (by much) that go down the body.

The engine retainer is screwed in place. 

Note there is no white paint on the screw threads. The threads were masked before spraying the white.
I tugged the shroud lines and they easily broke. These were replaced using #10 Embroidery Thread.
The parachute was tied as a "no-tangle" chute. To see how a "No-Tangle" chute is tied, read the Apogee P.O.F. article: CLICK HERE

A snap swivel was added.
The chute was not tied to the nose cone, but attached a few inches down from the nose cone. This helps prevent the nose cone from swinging in and out of the shroud lines, tangling the chute.

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