
Monday, April 3, 2023

Annual Patreon Support Post

I watch quite a few YouTube videos. And the end of every video, they ask for support on Patreon. I sometimes feel that's overkill.
I do a membership drive post once a year.

If the blog has helped your rocket builds, please consider supporting through Patreon. Simply click on the orange logo on the upper left of this page.

You can donate what you would like, the minimum is $1.00 a month.
Once you are a member, you'll have access to all the home print decal PDFs and some fun carded models. 

To see some member benefits, check the "Patreon Members Plans and PDFs" at the top of the page. 
Members can request plans and PDFs by emailing me at
I can also answer questions if I have experience with your current build.

To all the current Patreon Members - 
Thanks for your continued support!

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