
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Odd'l Rockets F-18 Hornet, Blue Angels Build, Part 6, Canopy & Decal

The model is painted a dark blue. The decals will need a white layer underneath to bring out the colors of the translucent inkjet print.

The cockpit decal from the F-18 kit was cut out, very close to the outside ink edges.
A sheet of clear decal paper was spray painted white and allowed to dry.
The cut out cockpit print was traced around the white sprayed decal sheet with a pencil.

The white layer was cut out, just inside the pencil lines.

Set the white piece on top of the cockpit decal to be sure the white layer edges are just inside the cockpit print.

Now the white under layer can be set down in the cockpit position. A piece of positioning tape was set down 3/16" from the end of the body tube.

After the white decal dries,
The cockpit decal can be set down over the first white layer.

After the decals dry,
Squeeze out a drop of medium CA glue on some scrap cardboard.
Center and set the vacuform canopy over the decal.

Hold the clear canopy firmly in place. Dip the tip of a toothpick into the CA glue. 
Apply the CA using the toothpick to transfer the glue to the front and rear of the canopy first.
When you are happy with the position,
Then run glue along the sides using the toothpick tip.

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