
Monday, October 2, 2023

Estes Black Brant XII, Kit # 9723 Build, Part 18, Scattered Build Pics

This blog build probably hasn't followed the instructions order. Many of the parts were painted before gluing the model together.
Here's two of the first stage fins.

GOTCHA: The Finishing Picture on Page 10 of the instructions says to paint all four of the 1st stage fins yellow. Actually, there are three yellow fins and one red fin.
The second stage fins are three red and one yellow.
The single first stage red fin lines up with the single yellow fin on the second stage.

The area under the third stage fins is flattened for a better fit of the plastic fins.

The instructions show a sanding block being used. I used a flat diamond file for more control. The block is too big, with a file I could see what I was sanding.

Here's all the black parts ready for paint.

On the largest adapter shown at the right - 
The orange was sprayed first. A straight line mask went around the bottom of the orange. Another white under coat was sprayed before the silver was added.
Silver was sprayed and allowed to dry. 

Sometimes it's hard to get a clean mask line in a recessed area.
TIP: I used a ultra fine point Sharpie for an easier, sharper mask. The black pen ink filled the recess area. Masking followed, then spray black paint.

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